Saturday, August 2, 2008

Fun Times, Busy Times and So Much More...

Well hi there!! I thought I would give some quick updates!! Go me!

Well, this weekend is certainly a busy one. I am awfuly tired too. I had band camp all this week. Yesterday, Mom and I went to Zoghby's to get my uniform. That was tons of fun, not. We had such a nice lady. We are very picky when it comes to things like uniforms. We had to send out one skirt to be hemmed, and ordered two other skirts that were not in stock. So we had to buy a pair of pants incase the skirts don't get back before school starts. I sure hope they do. Those pants are HIDEOUS! They just look terrible on me! Along with that, we got two oxford button down shirts. On the other hand, this weekend I have to clean the house. I am having my second annual End of Summer blow out this Monday and Tuesday. It's going to be full of craziness and hyper activity. I invited 13 girls, including me makes 14. But, i'm pretty sure not all 13 will be able to come.

I had registration this Wednesday. All went pretty well, until i got my schedule. They put me in P.E. instead of band. UGH! They do it every year! (So Mr. Chapman says.) So now mine, along with many others', schedule has to be changed! Most likely I won't get the new one until the first day of school! Hopefully I can get it before then, so I'm not wandering around campuss, confused!!

Now, I'm sure all of you would like an update on the boyfriend situation. I don't remember if I told in the last post that he was out of Al, visiting his dad. But, he is. He is coming back very soon though, August 7th, to be exact. I am so excited, but I am afraid that we will not be able to do anything, because I am broke. It's also inconvienent because that is 5 days before the 12th, which would be one month of us going out. (I'm not one to say anniversary, I don't know why) I start school on the 11th and he starts school on the 12th. Maybe we could do something on the weekend. I guess we'll find out soon enough.

I really have to get to cleaning. I'll write after the party and tell you all about it. Bye!

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