Tuesday, January 20, 2009

50 things...26-50

The first half actually wasn't that hard...the thing wants to count 1-25 again, and I dont feel like putting up with numbering, so it's just going to be 1-25 again.. :D get over it

  1. I can turn my wrists all the way around on a flat surface, it's quite nifty frito
  2. I don't really want to drive, but it's a nessecity
  3. I hate it when my closet is open right before i go to bed, I swear it's closed, then when I lay down it just opens....
  4. Spiders really do suck...I know "without them insects would take over" thanks Mom. But really? Do they have to make their web right over my head and between trees where I walk!?!?
  5. Thanksgiving is really my favorite holiday, yay food!
  6. Pocahontas is the best Disney movie out there
  7. I'm actually very emotional, just not around other people
  8. I never really fully trust anyone....except my closest family
  9. I am indeed addicted to facebook
  10. I can tell the flavor of gum someone is chewing by its smell and sometimes the brand
  11. I have been claimed by all my friends as the crazy one and the one who has to be at the party, for it to be a party
  12. When I get on the computer, or do homework, I have to have some sort of music or the tv on in the background
  13. silence is golden, duct tape is silver.. :D
  14. Brandon scares the crap out of me when he is driving!
  15. Gardenia is my favorite flower because of the fantasmical smell
  16. Ryan is most likely my favorite boy's name
  17. Poetry is a great pass time and a big part of me, along with other types of writing
  18. I don't really have a clique at school, I hang out with all sorts of people
  19. The band room is in fact my favorite room at school
  20. I believe that who ever sits there and decides to write those STUPID chain letters should be shot in the head! No clown is going to kill me in my sleep! we don't live in the movie "It"!
  21. Red and purple are the two best colors in the crayon box
  22. I don't get why there are like 6 different shades of blue in the 96 crayon box...and some of them look the same!
  23. I love the fact that Macaroni Grill lets you draw on the table! How cool is that!!!!!!
  24. As soon as someone I love turns to walk away I miss them at that very second
  25. I think that it is the boy's duty to give his girl his favorite jacket or shirt

50 random things...1-25

Well, after much procrastination, I have decided to finally start my 50 random things blog...I believe that this is going to be more difficult than it looks. I decided not to read Beth's before I did mine since I knew I would steal something. :) here goes...
  1. I wish my eyes were blue
  2. I am very indecisive
  3. I really despise the color pink
  4. I will listen the any kind of music, even rap
  5. I don't think I ever stop eating
  6. My favorite food is cheese
  7. I can tell the difference between cheeses
  8. Chocolate doesn't really help me w/ the whole PMS thing
  9. HOT baths are a favorite pass time
  10. I prefer reeses cups over reeses pieces
  11. At one time I wanted to go Goth
  12. My prefered style is that much like Avril Lavigne, punk
  13. Hot Topic is my favorite store
  14. Hollister is my second favorite
  15. As much as I wish, I have never really fallen for anyone
  16. I kick butt at the Guitar Hero drums
  17. 3 days grace is probably my favorite band
  18. Avril Lavigne is my favorite singer
  19. As much as people may say it, I don't think I sing that well
  20. I really hope to have a set of twins
  21. My favorite girl's name is actually off a cartoon, its Aelita(eye-lee-tuh)
  22. Fall is deffinately without a doubt my favorite seaon
  23. I really want to take the train up to West Virginia for Spring Break!!!!
  24. Winter Guard is driving me insane!!!!!!
  25. Texting is a part of my every day life, no stopping it...