Well, first semester is finally over! Good-bye geometry!!! YAY!!! I can't wait for nest semester, I have all easy classes. The only really tough class I'll have is English, which really isn't that bad. I have Biology, BTE, Engilsh, then Band. If you want to know I'm pretty certain I passes all my 1st semester classes.(even band teehee :P)
Winter guard season has officially started! This weekend was staging weekend. Friday through Sunday all day we blocked our drill for the show, which is only about 3 and a half minutes. Let's see, Friday was class time to 5, dinner, then 6-10; Saturday was 9-6; and Sunday was 1-7. It took all....about 21 hours to block our show with minimum choreography!!! I am in so much pain, and have so many bruises, it' not even remotley funny. It hurts to even walk! I really need to soak in a HOT bath tomorrow!
Now that the harsh and cruel weekend is over, my Chistmas break has finally begun! Woop woop! I'm sadened by the fact that Beth can't come down, but I'm sure we will see her soon enough. We still have other family coming from different places at different times, which is so very exciting! I haven't actually made a Christmas list yet. It seems this year that I don't really want a lot of things like I used to. I guess it's all part of growing up.
One more thing, since I haven't written in a while I guess I'll tell that me and Chris broke up. If you haven't heard it from someone yet, you can hear it now. Even though this happened about 3 weeks ago. It's perfectly fine though, it wasn't all that bad. I currently have another boyfriend named Madison, and I get a lot of grief from my friends because he has a girls name, but I don't care. :) I'll keep you updated on him as much as possible! I'll write again soo, I hope, see some of you soon! Bye!